When people have little interest in a position or role, it’s very difficult to motivate them as their desire will be equally as weak. That is why that initial contact is so important to determine they have the needed vision.
Getting to know the individuals on your teams will aid you in being able to structure rewards that keep them motivated towards accomplishing team vision.
Are your people motivated by
- involvement in learning opportunities
- desire handling greater responsibility
- or have the vision for meeting challenging projects?
Each person is different in their needs. What if everything
they tell you is prefaced by their need for creating moolah?
What if they have no vision? How can there be the
motivation needed to accomplish goals for results if they
have no vision?
The Law of Attraction suggests our power is in the forming
of teams of like-minded individuals.Thus if one is to believe
‘no man is an island,’ there must be a desire to accomplish, or
there will not be sufficient vision to complete challenging
Is desire a primal urge? To eat, to sleep, to feel needed or
part of the herd, to love and be loved? Recognizing the power
of desire over the human mind to seek out, find and accomplish,
can be the difference between having a vision and the motivation
to seek results or forever becoming the never-have victim.
Where are you NOW in the game of life and where do you want to
be? Are you aware of the short comings you present to yourself
in order to overcome whatever is holding you back from making
your dreams and desires a real-time happening?
Quite often it is our own lack of vision that gets in the role of our
desire to meet some challenge we know in our hearts we can
make happen.
When you get to know you, then you will realize the importance
of building worthy relationships with your new subscribers.
With those possible diamonds waiting for you to touch base
and share a mutual vision.
Your editor …
Fran Klasinski-warriorlady
Mentoring You with Common Sense
Marketing With Finesse
Add me: SKYPE: fran.klasinski
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