The time of the baby-boomer means there is a lot more to business building on the net then patience and confidence in getting it done.
It’s the focus on time of the health spa – a reasonable one to help us keep the bones in shape not the exterior.
For me, it is arthritic knees. And finally I heard the message, they are ready to replace them. Imagine a week’s holiday in the local hospital. Just one at a time tho, and when the first one is passed by physio as stable, they will set it up to do the other one.
Not exactly a health spa, but what the hey, beggars can’t be choosers so we take what we can get.
Your Bad Habits Feed someone Else’s Bank Account Focus
Listen – someone is speaking – it might mean something important to you. What have you been missing all this time? Was it really so simple a thing? Imagine – you moving from the losers’ circle to the winners with so little change.
Did you ever have your knuckles rapped with a 3-foot ruler for failing to pay attention in school? That teacher had eyes in the back of her head! She walked your aisle passed you no problem, yet she knew you were out there in la-la land and thwack went the ruler on your poor hands! Teach you to
focus on your work!
You got shocked back to the present nursing sore knuckles. If someone can figure out how to transport that ruler online so the people we deal with who do not focus, could get a dose of good old fashioned shock treatment, they could make a fortune. Ya think?
Lack of Focus Excuses and then some.
I’m not so sure it would smarten up some people though the intent would be there to do so. Not when you get excuses like, “Sorry know I shouldn’t be but was surfing and loud video drowned out your question.”
Or how about the shy ones? Ask someone else because they are afraid to speak up. And they are online because? Focus? Yeah right!
Lack of focus or lack of oxygen?
Was in a session where the leader gave a very nice presentation then asked the class for feedback or questions. The silence was deafening.
Think the most common excuse there was ‘gotta think.‘
It all points back to a too common fault that is NOT restrictive to school rooms and kids – people just do not listen or focus. As much as they want information, their minds go on lock down as soon as the presenter scares them with a request.
Behind the frightened eyes reigns chaos. What were they referring to? Did I miss something? Now what?
would only focus on reality.
Start pages earn you the eyeballs of EVERY surfer for a period of time. Normally no less than 24 hours. How much traffic could that mean to your pages? And a nickel buys you how much traffic?
Just another day of frantic focus in the frantic marketing world of online.
Your editor …
Fran Klasinski – warriorlady
Mentoring You with Common Sense
Marketing With Finesse
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It is so sad that the entire world does not understand
the concept of value at all.
Seems they think winning a dollar is more important
than telling the entire membership about their product
or service they are promoting
Stupid buggars needs to wake up!
If I have a dollar and spend it on candy, I have a belly ache for my trouble.
IF I have a dollar and invest it in order to double it, then I can either have
two belly aches or I can further invest it and buy something worth while that I
really want. Simple lesson. Just takes a bit of fortitude to follow through on
the long term action.
you do some great writing need to put this action to work for us and stop believing scam
Thank you Willie. The writing part always seems the easiest part.
Getting people to understand if they want things to be better than
it is now they are the ones who must make it so.
The treatment should be to wright on the blackboard 1000 times “I shall pay attention”.
Or maybe 10,000 times “I shall think for myself”.
Or maybe 100,000 times “I shall be awake when I get out of bed in the A.M.”
Das Boot is my fav to give out.
You are your own master, your own responsibility, your best friend, so stop the pity party and get off your rusty dusty and get the show on the road.
Christopher Klasinski
aka gnucanuck
My Quick money maker:
Were you a teacher Chris? LOL I think I knew one like
that. Or I was just bad and always writing on the blackboard.