Surfers Suck Yes Probably Includes Your Credits Too

FOUR monkeys tell it like it isearning creditsSurfing is nobody’s favorite past time by a long shot but it is an evil necessity in order to keep effective advertising on the move in both Traffic Exchanges
and in credit mailers.

Credits are the lifeblood of a traffic exchange and mailers. You can spend hours surfing for them,

  • clicking links in emails for them
  • building strong downlines
  • earning credits for their surfs
  • setting a standard for your subscribers

Absence hardly makes the heart grow fonder, unless they use your absence to excuse theirs? Not a good leader character reference in my book.

I can afford to buy credits. I set my membership up in my top 10 Traccif
exchanges in order to never have to surf. I am upgraded in them too where that means I own a wee bit of accountability to my followers. I surf to maintain the motivation they need.

Not everyone can afford to buy credits. Not everyone has had the time to build strong downlines so the credits earned from your subscribers feed the need and keep your advertising on the move.

Surfing for credits are also the lifeblood of your advertising because they determine the benefits you get back for your efforts.The more credits you have,

  • the more you can assign to your promotions
  • the more visitors to your website
  • As a bonus they can increase your email click throughs

Of course, there are two ways you can get credits … you can earn them, or you can buy them. Earning them requires spending your valuable time whereas buying them requires spending your money.

When you don’t appear to have either, then time to cut back, organize and focus on where you need to be surfing and earning sufficient credits for effective advertising. This is where you need to be building strong down
lines by advertising for new members in your top ten TEs.

Here comes that dirty word – checklist – this time defining daily actions of where and when you need to be surfing.

  • – How many TEs to be respectful in expectations of those you want to support you.
  • – How many credits you need to bonus your slower or best downline surfers.
  • – How many sites you need to surf to win a prize that will lessen your surfing stress.
  • – How many credits to maintain a standard your downline can
    depend on.

Without some form of plan, checklist or guide to your daily surfing actions, then it becomes easy enough to slip in to the category of your surfing sucks!
Each new subscriber has their dreams of a strong downline, of clicking for the right amount of credits to promote their pages, products and banners.

By sharing what you know about surfing skills to earn credits with the least
amount of time involved, will make you popular with your subscribers and
keep them motivated to reach their credit needs.

Something to think about?

Editor Fran discusses why surfers suck and so do you earning creditsYour editor …

Fran Klasinski-warriorlady
Mentoring You with Common Sense
Marketing With Finesse
Add me: Skype: fran.klasinski
Feel Free To Connect
fractured (@) kwalitytraffic4newbies(.)com

P.S. And be sure to leave a comment on the blog
and do subscribe while you are here? We really
do appreciate you and your comments.


© 2014 – 2018, franniec. All rights reserved.

Author: franniec

My Name is Fran Klasinski, known on line as warriorlady ... I am the co-owner of the following programs: I work with my partners, good friend Sharon Ticknor and My husband, Chris Klasinski Our backgrounds are extensive and fit well in the online world. Within our business core is the opportunity to learn the power of knowledge in helping you earn the online life you seek. The mistake most people make is to say, "I want to make money. How much can I make if I join you?" You decide the final income outcome from your efforts. What you should be determining is why do you need to make any money, and what do you need it for? Joining me won't directly make you a nickel. what it will do is you will now have a pro-active mentor who will help you save time, dollars and frustration by giving you the opportunity to do better than simply follow in my steps. Freedom and riches are not always determined by how much money you have or how much money you can make.

4 thoughts on “Surfers Suck Yes Probably Includes Your Credits Too”

  1. The Title got me, I thought it was a little much, but it got my attention and that is what you wanted. It is a great blog. I agree with you a lot of people holds onto their credits, and I am guilty of that too. I like to save some for a raining day. But I do know that you need to use a lot of credits to get good conversion.

    Getting hits is important but you need to see the conversion to see if a site is working good for you.

    A checklist is a good idea when surfing for the day. I usually write down the sites that I will surf for the day, but a checklist for 30 days makes more sense.

    Thanks for your blog.

    Lady V

    1. You are very welcome, and thank you for your kind remarks. Yes that was the intent of the title. Shock value, some would call it, then the content has to bear up. Glad you found some good points there.

      You raise some good points between hits and the value of a conversion.

  2. I’m not a TE surfer (yet). And been wondering if it’s worth my time to surf other people’s sites or if it be better to buy credits. I understand that I don’t have to surf yet my site is being seen by the surfers.

    What if everybody buys credits. Nobody will see anybody’s site anymore…

    1. lol as long as you have the assigned on and credits in your account.
      your sites should be seen. However, watch the TOS – some TEs expect you
      to live surf every so many days or your account can be suspended.

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