It’s a mad world out there with tons of BS and misuse of the very terms that define your online journey.
Branding is one of those terms that can drive you bonkers with claims of your picture fits the bill. Huh? Brand Awareness of your face is why you are on line? What if the product is no good?
Let’s get logical to the point of making some sense here. Brand
Awareness is the extent to which a brand is recognized by
potential customers and is correctly associated with a
particular product.Not your face, unless you are the owner
then only possibly in a mutually described relationship of
Brand Recognition.
In other words, you have a product that needs promoting. You
search out your target market and get it out there. Brand
Awareness in this context, becomes a percentage of the over
all of the target market you advertised to.
An increase in the Brand Awareness is the optimal goal of
advertising in the early months of product introduction.
It is arguably better to get your product in front of as
many eyeballs as you can, even if it means giving it away
at first.
Remember, you are working here with your target market
which means only people who may have an interest in owning
your product. If you sell wonderful new cheese products,
you sure do not want to sell to a lactose intolerant market.
You need happy users ergo the offer of free to a portion
so it creates the brand recall – or people who will give
you a testimonial. This action, in turn, creates Brand
Brand Recognition is how the hungry market will turn into
buyers for your product. When a friend or associate owns
the product, do you suppose you can be coaxed to purchase
on the strength of their excitement?
If the product has turned out to have value then probably
so. Brand Loyalty by your friend or associate is bound to
have a positive impression on your buying intentions.
Competition is wild and unending so each of these steps
become an important part of how you create higher Brand
Awareness that separates and lifts your product through
Brand Development above other like products.
In business, the ultimate goal is to make profits and
increase sales. If you are in the affiliate market where
you wish to capitalize on these products then your
advertising and promotions can be either company
defined or you can be a better more successful affiliate
by understanding Brand Awareness and using it full bore.
As you can see, the only benefit of your face on product
marketing material is the relationship people have to the
product first, in order to make your actions result in sales.
IF you follow the company marketing correctly, then it may
be possible for you to benefit from increased sales through
your image relationship to the proven product.
Your editor …
Fran Klasinski-warriorlady
Mentoring You with Common Sense
Marketing With Finesse
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What Fran is suggesting is that rather than join a bunch of stuff to get yourself out there, Join YOU! Be a Quality person with a quality product or service that leaves people excited about what you offer so that THEY do the advertising FOR you!