Now this IS Fractured Marketing!

The writer's stroke quill pen for blogOkay , this is MY blog and I get to say it like it is in MY book!

Right now I am totally po’d at the short thinking of some people. How destructive they can be because of their weird outlook on lifeand their ability to take personal offense where none is intended.

Got A Message For You

Hey you over-sized egotistical waste of space, you are NOT the
center of the universe! “I” is also a letter in the alphabet that
stands for Idiot!  Time you stopped being one.

There Rant over!

Are You A Team Player?

NEVER join a team if you have to think about that question.  It
takes the guts and desire of every member to keep a team moving
in forward motion. All it takes is one whiner or complainer,
behind the scenes, to undermine the whole reason for being. It
is all about communications.

Contest Surfers

Do you surf for money – a nickel and dimer? Or do you surf to
verify the sites shown on the TEs you surf? To create clicks
for your  promotions, or to build a downline?

Your answer might bear investigating beyond your current results.

Your editor …

Fran Klasinski- editorFran Klasinski-warriorlady
Mentoring You with Common Sense
Marketing With Finesse
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© 2013 – 2017, franniec. All rights reserved.

Author: franniec

My Name is Fran Klasinski, known on line as warriorlady ... I am the co-owner of the following programs: I work with my partners, good friend Sharon Ticknor and My husband, Chris Klasinski Our backgrounds are extensive and fit well in the online world. Within our business core is the opportunity to learn the power of knowledge in helping you earn the online life you seek. The mistake most people make is to say, "I want to make money. How much can I make if I join you?" You decide the final income outcome from your efforts. What you should be determining is why do you need to make any money, and what do you need it for? Joining me won't directly make you a nickel. what it will do is you will now have a pro-active mentor who will help you save time, dollars and frustration by giving you the opportunity to do better than simply follow in my steps. Freedom and riches are not always determined by how much money you have or how much money you can make.

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