Are You My Sponsor? Really?

He writers tool where writing with a quill pen makes you think, are you my sponsor? quill-penwas so angry. I was not sure it was
wise to even broach the subject of being
a good sponsor.

His story, though, was pretty typical.

When he joined, he thought the programs
would show him all he needed to know.
Thus connecting with whomever that was,
that said they were his sponsor, just did
not make sense at the time.

Lesson #1 – think narrow rue the wasted

Overwhelm with TE Menus

  1. So what IS the problem with TE menus …
    being intuitive?
    Easy to use?
    Set up to follow the steps for a new
    member to take?

What ever is the new person looking for that you must include.125_stress-90x65He didn’t think so. The complaints ran from
so much to learn to no time to spend sorting
it all out. Thus frustration and overwhelm
were the two idiots that drove him over the
edge every time he tried to make some sense
out of why he stayed a member.

Here’s To Good Sponsor Help

Welcome New Members Mission

A new member is excited and ready to surf
and take on the best that is offered. This is
the time to make sure that eager anticipation
stays high every time they surf.

Welcome emails from a sponsor to a new person
who joins is a must. Why? The company ones
promote the feature side of what needs to
be done. Don’t ignore those necessary features
like their profile; just remember, a new person
needs more.

Part I Task Challenge

Send welcome emails to downlines in 10khits4unow
and in Easy Business Builder. Point them to the calendars.

Calendars to the rescue

Thus you need to read the calendar entry to help
you get a handle on what might make the journey
easier for both of you.

The calendar content is self-explanatory. You do
not need to send your mail to me. Nevertheless,
I am always here to help you.

Meantime, turn to the new owners for support
on calendar surfs and winners.

Till next time …

keep your sponsoring actively progressive!

Editor Fran Klasinski blog writer and mentor.f60x60Your Editor …

Fran Klasinski-warriorlady
Mentoring you with common sense
Marketing with finesse

P.S. Keep reading and posting. There are bonuses in the works
designed to help you make the most of your online experiences.

P.P.S. I appreciate you!

© 2015 – 2018, franniec. All rights reserved.

Author: franniec

My Name is Fran Klasinski, known on line as warriorlady ... I am the co-owner of the following programs: I work with my partners, good friend Sharon Ticknor and My husband, Chris Klasinski Our backgrounds are extensive and fit well in the online world. Within our business core is the opportunity to learn the power of knowledge in helping you earn the online life you seek. The mistake most people make is to say, "I want to make money. How much can I make if I join you?" You decide the final income outcome from your efforts. What you should be determining is why do you need to make any money, and what do you need it for? Joining me won't directly make you a nickel. what it will do is you will now have a pro-active mentor who will help you save time, dollars and frustration by giving you the opportunity to do better than simply follow in my steps. Freedom and riches are not always determined by how much money you have or how much money you can make.

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